Thursday, January 23, 2014

Redbox Roulette- Would You Rather?

 My sister & I have started a new channel for our reviews. Enjoy & subscribe!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Master of Suspense!

The movie Hitchcock premiered tonight on HBO. I had wanted to see it, but never got around to it. I knew I would enjoy it as I own a Hitchcock box set & have watched almost everything he's made. *On a side note, Rear Window is my all time favorite Hitchcock movie!

I was a little shocked by the movie, I new the plot was a behind the scenes look at Hitch, as he is called by everyone who works with and loves him, and the making of the biggest cinematic success of his career Psycho. What I didn't know is that it was also a sneak peak into his private life and marriage to Alma Reville long time creative collaborator, played by the mesmerizing Helen Mirren.  Hitch is brought to quirky and flawed life by an virtually unrecognizable Anthony Hopkins.  As for the rest of the actors it's your typical who's who of character actors with Scarlett Johansson and the Karate Kid himself Ralph Macchio thrown in. But this movie would be nothing without Mirren & Hopkins making these real people with real problems seem a little less than famous and more like people you would know.
It's kind of amusing that Hitch picked Psycho because a reporter suggested that he should retire at age 60 after the premier of North by Northwest. After being told "no" by Paramount Pictures, hardnosed meetings with the Shurlock board (which seems like the FCC or Standards and Practices), and putting up more than $800,000 of his own money Hitch still pushes forward to make what really ends up looking like a passion project. When most directors have a passion it's to make a documentary about the environment, Hitchcock on the other hand had a passion to reclaim a little of the excitement he and Alma had making movies together in the beginning of their careers.

By far this movie is a keeper & worth the 1 hour 45 minute run time. Not only do you get the great behind the scenes look of what it took to make a classic movie we all love, but you end the movie feeling like you actually know the man behind the movies. What's also wonderful is Alma Reville finally gets the credit she deserves, not just for Psycho but for all of the Hitchcock movies that still fill us with tension & chills. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Coming down with something...

My sister and I have a habit of playing Redbox Roulette, essentially we just pick films (mostly horror or thriller) and hope for the best. On those nights we indulge in the 3 M's; McDonald's, movies (as stated), and medicine. Before you get the wrong idea about us and think we take part in drug use, medicine is code for my beloved Speedy Freeze Coke Icee. Once we got home and settled into our spots, the fun began. While we did watch 4 movies, I have to talk about the one that's been on my mind and kind of bothering me all day. I still don't know if I like it or hate it.

Antiviral is a Canadian "horror film"  directed by Brandon Cronenberg. I'm not sure if I would call it a horror film, at least not in the traditional sense. In the very near future, people are even more celebrity-obsessed than the present. So obsessed in fact that their are companies, Lucas Clinic & Vole and Tesser, that deal in purchased viruses and other pathogens from celebrities who fall ill, to inject them into clients who really need to feel a connection to the celebrities they love so much. Syd March (Caleb Landry Jones) is employed by the Lucas Clinic, and might be one of the best pitchmen I have ever heard. It's clear to the viewer that not only does he believe what he's saying, but is obsessed too. I think I would buy from him, but maybe not the herpes he injected into a young man's face so he could feel closer to Lucas Clinic's exclusive celebrity Hannah Geist (Sarah Gadon).  Jones has a way about himself that not only makes you feel just the slightest bit uneasy, but he seems sympathetic as well. That's a hard combo to come across in an actor of just 23 years old.

Syd makes money on the side by injecting himself with the viruses to smuggle them out of the clinic. He then passes the viruses to a "friend" called Arvid who works at Astral Bodies, a celebrity meat market where meat is grown from the cells of celebrities for consumption. Let me just say, the "meat" is extremely gross looking. It's a really strange grey looking Spam type product.
Syd gets the chance to collect a virus directly from Hannah Geist, which he promptly injects into his own system. Of course, without the virus being "purified" for public consumption Syd starts to get terribly ill. As he's fighting the chills, sweats, and delusions Hannah Geist has died or at least that's what the world believes. For about the next hour we see poor Syd fighting an illness no one knows about, get beat up by some black market scientists, and meet his beloved Hannah since she's not dead at all but dying in a beautiful estate owned by an uber fan with loads of cash. This fan is Hannah's physician Dr. Abendroth (Malcolm MacDowell), he then tell Syd that the virus infecting them both has been intentionally created and designed with a security measure to prevent analysis. Dr. Abendroth let's Syd in on the "secret" that he himself has an infatuation with her, having had samples of her skin grafted to his own arm. He suggests that since Syd  injected himself with Hannah's blood he is also "just another fan". But that doesn't seem to be the case, for some reason it feels like Syd actually cares about the girl and not the celebrity. 

Syd finds out that the rival company Vole and Tesser created the virus that is now killing Hannah and himself. Syd is abducted and locked in a white room to be filmed as he dies, to be broadcast for the masses as a reality show in order for viewers to witness Hannah's "death" which had occurred secretly.  He negotiates with the head of Vole and Tesser for the exclusive rights to Hannah Geist's afterlife and a cure for himself. Yes, they harvested most of Hannah's body parts and put her in a cell garden much like the cell garden used to grow the celebrity steaks. They are still injecting her cells with viruses to sell and make loads of money off of! Capitalism at it's finest.  Syd is shown at the end cutting her arm and drinking the flowing blood, whispering "She's perfect somehow, isn't she?" Which was part of his pitch for clients, Hannah's deformed face and body is revealed as he injests he blood. The film fades to black.

This film is really a social commentary on the state of  affairs we live in. It's a pretty low-budget film, so don't expect any special effects. But this one of the things that works for it. It feels futuristic, but only just enough so that it feels like not too far away.  But in a society who get's their news from TMZ and the E! network it's easy to see how this could happen in the future.  Do I think I would ever partake in this mass consumption of celebrity? Umm, no. Don't get me wrong I love movies, TV, and all things media but this just isn't for me. Also, I will never look at the meat counter the same way again! Overall though, this is movie that sticks with you and gets under your skin, though thankfully not in the viral way.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The cinematic event of the year.. Sharknado!

There is nothing I love more than a deliciously terrible SYFY channel movie. I know that typically I am going to get an eyeful of b-list actors, sub par scripts, and tons of CGI goodness that makes me grin like the Cheshire cat. Thanks to all that is good they have answered my prayers of combining a natural disaster and Shark Week by making the cinema masterpiece Sharknado! With all of the buzz around this movie, I knew it was going to be one for the record books.
 Who knew that you could kill a shark with a pool cue or by hitting it with a bar stool? Now we all do! From now on when I go out in the ocean it's with a pool cue for protection. Also, I am never going to the Santa Monica Pier.
Poor Ian Ziering's (Steve Sanders, 90210) life is ruined when his bar is total pile of boards by the time he closes up because of the storm. Not only does he have the bitchy girlfriend, played by Cassie Scerbo,  he's got veteran actor John Heard as his resident bar fly, and rounding out his ragtag team with a mission to save his ex wife & child is Jaason Simmons. Said ex-wife is played by the ever interesting and often disappointing  Tara Reid.
On their way to save the day, they make to stupid decision to take the 405, even I as a girl from Ohio know that you don't ever take the 405 when you're in a hurry. They of course have their conscience's get the best of them trying to help other people who are stuck. The team loses the beloved barfly during this silly moment while trying to be good Samaritans. Go figure they find it's easier to time the waves, as surfers they just know these things, to get a push down the interstate.
Once they have made it to the ex-wife, she's not happy to see this rescue team and refuses to let the wet and somewhat bleeding group in until sharks start to pop out of the manhole covers. Christopher Wolfe plays the boyfriend of Tara Reid for about 3.5 minutes, which is a good thing since I instantly wanted him to die from being such a douche!  His death is quickly followed up with a terrible period joke, "I guess it's that time of the month."
Also, does anyone else find it to be the best thing that Ziering's character's name is Fin? As we watch we come to realize that there some MAJOR bad parenting going on on his end. We find out that not only does he have a teenage daughter, but a son who's gone & joined some branch of the military (honestly I was too distracted with all the odd interactions of the two top billed actors to care) without so much as a howdy-do to his father.  Finally they figure it might be better to get to the desert and far away from the coast.
Once they make this no brainer call, Ziering's extreme ATV( like driving through feet of water and sharks) comes to a stop when his hero complex is called into account by saving a busload of tweens and a pudgy teacher. Thank god he's got all that climbing rope, harnesses & shotgun shells in there, just in case! Thus far, they have avoided the extreme part of the movie, the actual Sharknado. But as the letters of the Hollywood sign start to fly, you know that they have got to get out of there soon. Looking over LA 3 waterspouts are visible, and somehow Tara Reid has bionic eyes because she can see the sharks miles away.
The reactions to the shark that out of nowhere falls on the car is priceless, none of them know what to do or where to look! At least pretend that the CGI generic shark is really there, come on people.
They stop in a liquor store, you know because that's where you go while avoiding sharks falling from the sky. The cashier let's us in on a secret, it's all the government, evidently they know what kind of cheese I buy & where I go to the bathroom! Plus they control the weather, including the impending Sharknado. Thank goodness they stole the hummer  with nitrous to get out of downtown LA faster! Of course the fools end up at the flight school to get the mystery son & the place is a ghost town. The shark twister is hot on their tails at this point. Will they find the son? Will they get out alive? Stay tuned after the commercial! 
 When we find our group of survivors back from commercial the bitchy girlfriend has finally been useful and found not only the son, but some classmates hiding inside a closet of the flight school.  They begin to explain what's going on and then the unthinkable happens, a tiny Sharknado rips through the cozy family reunion. Instead of taking the chopper and flying to safety, they think it's a better idea to "stay and fight". Great idea! Good thing there is a storeroom full of bombs, saws, power tools and other goodies that sharks are really scared of. The master plan comes together that the son who's only done a little flight training is going to drop bombs in the Sharknado and equalize not only the tornado but kill all the sharks. While this is happening, the daughter has decided to have a mini bitch fit and get all "You're never there for me", is this really a good time? Have your father-daughter heart to heart later.  The girlfriend confides in the son that the scar she has given about 20 explanations for is really from a shark bite when she was little, now not only does she hate sharks because of it so does the son. It appears that father & son have the same taste in young women. As they are loading the chopper for the mission, the best friend Baz makes the courageous decision to take the hummer and fill it with bombs to drive right into the storm. Great thinking pal, too bad it's probably the worst idea ever! Meanwhile girlfriend and son come to the conclusion that they "Need a bigger chopper", great homage to Jaws, but it's not going to get you much credit. As with all tacky movies the bizarre plan that a teenager came up with works. Somehow this boy, with little experience can fly close enough to the Sharknados without getting sucked in, and dropping bombs. Meanwhile, his family has made their way to a retirement home, blown up the pool, and taken over the windows to watch their son be a hero. Just as we think things might get back to normal, the unthinkable happens, not only does another Sharknado pop up without the fire power to get rid of it, but a shark grasps onto the chopper and the girlfriend starts to stab it, too bad for her she doesn't have standard waitress no-slip shoes on because she falls and gets eaten by what appears to be a great white in midair. Since hero complexes run in the family for the men, the son is heart broken. At least the hummer full of explosives made it to the last Sharknado in LA. As all the sharks are falling from the sky, Ziering is faced with the choice to let his daughter get eaten, or drive chainsaw first into the mouth of a hungry Great White. He of course cuts himself out of the shark, thanks for the added horsepower Craftsmen, but he pulls out the now ex-girlfriend and the son brings her back to life with CPR. At the end we see Ziering & Reid kiss, so we know that they are getting back together, and the son is now all up on the ex-girlfriend. Sharknado, bringing people and families together since 2013!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Oh the HORROR!

This evening I was channel surfing while avoiding any sense of adulthood responsibility & stumbled upon my favorite Saturday afternoon guilty pleasure, the Chiller channel. Tonight's horror fun was the Chiller 13: Great American Slashers, Overall I agreed with the list and found it to not only entertaining, but it reminded me of some of my favorite movies. There were a couple issues I had with two of the slashers that were on the list. The biggest problem I found with not only Sweeney Todd, but also with Pinhead was their Britishness. How can they be in a list of American Slashers, if they aren't even from this country? I am not disputing  the merits either have in the horror genre. Sweeney Todd is one that I wouldn't have thought of for the list, coming from a musical background as I do, I wouldn't have even picked  him as a slasher. Though given the method of his killings and amount of killings, I can very much see it. As for Pinhead, he is a classic horror icon who can't be disputed as a dream haunter for most of my generation. But once again, he's fraking British!  If it hadn't been touted as the "Great American Slashers" the thought would have never crossed my mind.
I love a good slasher flick as much as the next girl. Ok, maybe not as much as the next girl, since they usually go to the movies and hold on for dear life to the boy next to her who is hoping to get a handful of under the bra action after the movie. While I on the other hand, have a bad habit of not only thoroughly enjoying the killings but sometimes even cheering on  the slasher because let's face it, teenagers in the woods are dumb.
 Something I had forgotten until I was watching was the allure of Norman Bates. Norman was everything we women think we want in a man. He's kind of boyish with his full face smile, charming, hard worker, loves his mother, well spoken & a snappy dresser. All of that is great, until you realize he's a damned killer who keeps his mummified & taxidermied mother in the attic, he's also running around killing the guests of his business while dressed as said mother! It's probably a read flag that not only did I see this, but so did the women being interviewed for the special.
One of the most amusing things about the show was one of the men on the panel. Not only was he well spoken and nonthreatening, but after a second his name popped up and I literally gasped out loud. Leatherface, one of the ultimate slasher icons looks like Santa! He's this sweet looking grey haired, bearded, chubby man who looks like he would play kickball with a brood of grandchildren. Yes, Gunnar Hansen was born in Iceland so technically he shouldn't be on the list either, but I am willing to make an exception for such a classic American horror film. I don't know if the next time I watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre I will be able to think of anything but the now jolly looking
Hansen. I want to show a picture of him to everyone who was ever scared of him. Maybe I'll start with my mother as my seriously misunderstood 17 year old father though that Massacre would be a great first date! And my mother wonders where I get my love of all things horror. All things except Freddie Kruger, that guy still freaks me out! And yes, he was #1 on the list.